Wal Mart Isn’t the Only One Stop Shop: The Automotive Department
It seems like everyone travels from one point to another at some point in their life. And when you prepare for a trip there are certain things you must to do in order to get your car or truck ready for the journey. There are some people like do their own maintenance on their cars. So they will buy their oil and oil filters so that they can change the oil in their cars. They need to change the wiper blades so they will run down to Wal Mart to buy these things. Recently my family and I went to New York on vacation. One of the things we bought beside the things above was a GPS so that we would not get lost. If you don’t have the right directions, you never get where you are going. How are you getting from one place to another in life? Who is guiding your life? You? A family member? Or God? God is the ultimate GPS. His Word says in Jer. 29:11; “For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (NIV) When we let God guide in our lives, we can’t go wrong. Proverb 3:6 says: “In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.” (NKJV) Notice it says acknowledge Him! That means you recognize Him for WHO He is! He is God! He is the creator. He has laid out a plan for your life that beats anything that you can come up with! His plans are perfect. However, we have a choice to make! We can either find satisfaction in following God’s plan for our lives, or we can live a life of destruction due to disobedience to God. I have talked to countless people over the years that never ask God what He wants them to do, then ask themselves, “How did I get here?” Well I can tell you how they got there! They didn’t ask God! They didn’t seek Him or His plan for their lives! How do you know where to go to College? Ask God! How do you know who you are supposed to marry? Ask God! Where are you going to live? Ask God! What is your purpose in life? Ask God? Get the point? I hope so! Just as you go to the Automotive Department to get the things you need for a trip, you need to go to God and ask Him what He wants you to do in life. Stop making wrong turns based on your desires! Start looking for the plan for your life that will give you a hope and a future!
To Listen to this message: The Automotive Department
Sunday evening service was on how we should live our lives! The way we act reflects who we are in Christ Jesus!
To Listen to Sunday nights message: All Dressed Up and Somewhere to Go!
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