Monday, May 10, 2010

WM - The Pharmacy

Part three in the series Wal Mart isn’t the Only One Stop Shop: The Pharmacy. Sunday was Mother’s day and I began to think how I was going to relate this series to mothers. Then I realized that most moms spend a lot of time at Wal Mart! With children getting sick or when they scrap their knees, one of the places that mothers go to is the Wal Mart's pharmacy. After going to the doctor’s office, moms go get their prescription filled at the pharmacy. There is a story found in Matt 15 about a mother seeking healing for her daughter who is demon possessed. This mother went to Jesus Christ! She knew WHO Jesus was, that He the Great Physician. Second she was relentless in seeking her daughters healing. Thirdly, she had great faith. Everyone knows someone who is physically, emotion, or mentally sick. We must realize who we should go to first! We must go to Jesus Christ! Jesus is still in the healing business!

To listen to this message: The Pharmacy

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