Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Out of Death Comes Life

Last week was a week full of sorrow and of celebration. I had the privilege of speaking at my friend Doug’s funeral on Tuesday of last week. I had the opportunity to share and celebrate Doug’s life here on earth. There were tears along with laughter as I shared stories about Doug. The house was packed with family and friends. Everyone there was sharing in the sorrow of Doug’s death. However, we were not only sharing in sorrow of the lost of a man who influenced so many people, including myself, there was something to celebrate! So what could there be to celebrate at a funeral? Well out of Doug’s death came life! I not only shared Doug’s life with everyone, I shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ. To my knowledge, there were no decisions made for Christ the day of the funeral. But what happened the night before is another story.

After visitation, I spent some time with Doug’s seventeen year old son, Zach. Zach is a baseball and football play who happens to be a senior this year. I was concerned about Zach; he seemed to be taking his dad’s death very hard, so I asked him if we could talk. We discussed things about his dad and how he was dealing with everything thing. As we talked I led the conversation to spiritual things. I told him that his dad was not in heaven because he was a good man, but because he made some life changing decisions about Jesus Christ. He said he had prayed many time to God, but never had asked for forgiveness and never asked Christ to be his Lord. This opened the doors for me to share the message of Jesus Christ with Zach. When I was done sharing the good news of Jesus Christ, I told him that I wasn’t going to push or pressure him into anything. That if he wanted to think about it over night that would be fine. He had a lot on his plate to work through. He looked at me and said boldly, “What is there to think about? I want that!” And with that we prayed and Zach accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. So see, out of Doug’s death came eternal life in his son Zach.

As I have thought about this over the past week, I have thought about that statement, “out of death comes life.” How true is that statement? It is very true! See out of Christ death on the Cross we can have eternal life! There are too many people out there who are dying two deaths, a physical death and a spiritual death. But it doesn’t have to be that way. So I celebrate in the fact that not only is my friend Doug has eternal life with my Heavenly Father right now, his son, Zach, has eternal life also! And that my friend, is a message worth sharing! Who do you know that needs to hear the statement “Out of Death Comes Life?” It is my prayer that this encourages you to share the message of Jesus Christ with someone that you know! It might be the only time they get to hear it!

In His Grip,

Friday, October 1, 2010

From the Stand

Well right now I'm sitting in my climbing stand on a beautiful October morning. The temperature is a cool 55 degrees and there is a partial moon all the stars are out because it's before day light. It is so peaceful out here right now. On a normal day I am at work at this time of the day or if it's on Fridays, I'm usually studying for Sunday's message. But here I am out in God's wonderful creation. It really amazes me that the Father above created all of this and I have the honor of experiencing this everyday. And Paul was so right when he wrote in Romans 1:20 that He, God, reveals Himself in His Creation. However, how many time have I just ignored His creation! I would have to say too many times. I just want to sit here and enjoy His presence this morning! Thank you Father for allowing me to be in your presence and in Your grip!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Not too long ago I was asked what books that I am reading or have read lately. Well here is a list of some the books I have read in 2010.

Fearless and 3:16 by Max Lucado
Simple Church by Thom Rainer
Holy Discontent by Bill Hybels
Walking with God by John Eldridge
Have a New Kid By Friday by Kevin Leman
The Richest Person in the World by Stan Toler
Prophet by Frank Peretti
Crazy Love by Francis Chan
Lost Symbols by Dan Brown
The Christian Atheist by Craig Groescell

And I have few books on my list that I would like to read before end of the year:
Plan B by Pete Wilson
Transformational Church Ed Stetzer
AND by Hugh Halter and Matt Smay
Outlive Your Life by Max Lucado (I won this book from Micheal Hyatt)
Sun Stands Still by Steven Furtick

Anyways, just thought I would share!
What are you reading?

Monday, September 20, 2010

Religion vs. Relationship?

For the past couple of weeks, my heart has been very heavy on a certain issue that deals with the church. Over the past few months, I have talked to several people who once attended church but are no longer attending. Each one had their own reasons as to why they have left the church and have not returned. They told me their stories and I listen to them. As we talked about church, I noticed a common theme that ran through our conversations. I noticed they seemed to be focused on rules and regulation. Or what I would like to call "religion". The reason for this is; religion is made up of legalistic rules and regulations, the do’s and don’ts.

One guy I talked to said he had gone to several different types of church. And with each church came with different lists of do’s and don’ts. He was told that if he was to come to church (but in his mind, this meant being Christian) you had to worship a certain way, act a certain way and do certain things. He would attend another church and they would tell him something completely different and that their beliefs where the only one that were correct, that the other where wrong! He was so confused about what it really meant to be a Christ follower! My heart was burden greatly for his young man.

Then there was this older man who asked me if he could wear bibbed overalls to our church. I told him with a resounding YES, He could them to church! He told me that when he had attended church before, people were focused on his dress instead of him. And that is completely wrong! I am not saying that you can wear whatever you want to wear. I do think there needs to be standard that should be kept in church.

However, the big question that needs to be asked is this: “Are we, the church, causing people to focus more on religion than we are a relationship with Jesus Christ?” I would have to say yes! What I am talking about is the difference between religion vs. relationship. Religion puts the focus on the do’s and don’ts. Think about the religious leaders of Jesus' day. They told Him that He could not pick grain on the Sabbath (Luke 6:1-11). Religion? Yes! They also told Him that He could heal people on the Sabbath (Mark 3:1-6). Religion? Again yes. They said it was wrong to eat with tax collector and sinner because they where not clean to eat with (Matt 9:11-13). Religion? Absolutely. Then we have the men in Acts 15 who said that in order to become a believer you must be circumcised. Religion? I believe so. I remember a time in my life when I was just like those religious leaders. I was focused on the rules. I was twenty one when I became a follower of Christ. Once I talked my younger brother, who was seventeen at the time, into going to church with me. I got ready for church and went into to check on him and he was wearing shorts and tennis shoes. What did I do? I told him that he couldn’t wear shorts and those dirty shoes to church! Was I holding to rules? Yes! Was I being religious? You bet I was! And I believe that if James, the brother of Jesus would have been there that day, he would have told me the same thing that he said in Acts 15:19: “And so my judgment is that we should not make it difficult for the Gentiles who are turning to God.”

As a church need to stop focusing on religion and start to focusing on bring people into a relationship with Jesus Christ! The only way religion changes people is that pushes people away from the grace that is found in relationship with Jesus Christ. And Jesus Christ was all about relationships. The church needs to stop trying to change people through religion and allow Jesus Christ to change them through a personal relationship. I believe the only winner in this is Relationship!

So if you are leader within the church, where is your focus? Religion vs. Relationship?

Monday, September 13, 2010

My Everything!

Earlier today I was listening to some praise & worship at work when the song “You Never Cease to Amaze” by New Life Church Worship started playing. This song really spoke to me this morning! The part of the song that stood out to me the most was: “Cause Jesus you are my everything; Jesus you are all I need…” As I sat listening to those words over and over again, I was reminded that Jesus truly is my everything; He truly is all I need.

When I need strength… He gives me strength! Philippians 4:13 & 2 Cor. 12:10
When I need rest… He gives me rest! Matthew 11:28
When I need wisdom... He gives me wisdom! James 1:5
When I need forgiveness…He forgives me! 1 John 1:9
When I need mercy & grace… He gives me mercy & grace! Hebrew 4:16
When I guidance…He guides me! John 8:12
When I need hope… He is my hope! 1 Timothy 1:1
When I need peace… He gives me peace! Roman 5:1 & Ephesians 2:14
When I need a Savior… He is my Savior! John 3:16

And the list could go on because He is so much more! Jesus Christ is truly my everything, He is truly all that I need. But what about you? Is He your everything? If Jesus Christ is all that I need, then I know He is also all that you need! So ask yourself: “Is He my everything?” If not, let Him be, He can be your evertying and all that you need!
In His Grip,

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Is God Just an Acquaintance?

Last week I read a passage of scripture that really rocked my world! The passage of scripture that I read was 1 Chronicles 28:8-10.

"So now, with God as our witness, and in the sight of all Israel—the Lord’s assembly — I give you this charge. Be careful to obey all the commands of the Lord your God, so that you may continue to possess this good land and leave it to your children as a permanent inheritance. "And Solomon, my son, learn to know the God of your ancestors intimately. Worship and serve him with your whole heart and a willing mind. For the Lord sees every heart and knows every plan and thought. If you seek him, you will find him. But if you forsake him, he will reject you forever. So take this seriously. The Lord has chosen you to build a Temple as his sanctuary. Be strong, and do the work." 1 Chronicles 28:8-10 (NLT)

After reading this passage, I sat there in my office with it rolling over and over in my head. There are two parts of this passage that stood out to me. The first is found in verse 9: “Solomon, my son, learn to know the God of your ancestors intimately.” The second is found in verse 10: “So take this seriously.” I began asking myself this question: What does it meant to “Know God” the way that David is telling Solomon to know God? And to show the importance of this, David tells Solomon to take this seriously! If David, the man after God’s own heart, is telling his son to take it seriously, then I really need to take this seriously also! So after thinking about these verses, I felt convicted about what it means to know Him. Maybe I was missing something. So I began to pray and I asked God what does it mean really mean to know Him? His answer: Go to my Word and I will show you what it means to know Me. So off to His word I went. What I found was completely and utterly amazing! I began studying the passage out by looking up the word “Know” in the original language, and what I found out was astonishing! The word “Know” in Hebrew means to gain knowledge through experience. This seems to indicate that it is more than just a causally meeting of someone. When you have an experience with someone there is something deeper and meaningful than a causally meeting. This is made clear in The New Living Translation when David emphasis to know God intimately. When I think of the word intimately the thoughts of a close and deep relationship come to mind. David tells Solomon that he needs to learn to have a deep and very personal relationship with God. Solomon had knowledge of God. However, it seems like he didn’t have a deep personal relationship with God if David was telling him to learn to know God. It would almost be safe to say that God was more of an acquaintance of Solomon.

There is a major difference in God being an acquaintance of yours and intimately knowing God. Think about it in the terms of a marriage or dating relationship for those of you who aren’t married. How close would you be to your spouse or boyfriend/girlfriend if you only talked to them once a week? That the only time you spent time with them was when you need something! Do you really think you would know them very well? Probably not. The reason why you married your spouse or dating someone is because you developed a deep and personal relationship with them. Now this did not happen overnight and it didn’t happen by causally meeting them every once in awhile. It took time to learn about them, right? I believe that is why David told Solomon to learn to know God intimately. David knew what he was talking about! He knew what it meant to know God intimately. He had experienced God in just about every way that I can think of! (Which I will share with you more about later.) God Himself even said that David was a man after His own heart. Now that is saying a lot!

After reading and studying this passage of scripture I examined my relationship with God. I realized that I am so glad that my relationship with Him is more than being acquaintance. I know I am still having a long ways to go in “Knowing” God. But I was so encouraged by my Father! To know the Creator of everything wants to have a deep, personal and intimate relationship with me means everything to me. He is saying that I am special to Him! It encouraged me to seek more of Him, to learn more about him, to experience Him more.

Then the reality of this came to me... How many people out there are like Solomon? I would venture to say that there a lot of people out there whose relationship with God is more of an acquaintance than one of experiencing Him through a deep and personal relationship. How do I know this? First of all, for a long time, God was just an acquaintance of mine! I would meet with Him weekly at church and maybe meet with Him quickly in once or twice a week at best! Secondly, just talking with people about their relationship with Him. I saw something that seemed to be to be missing. The "something" that was missing was knowing Him through experiencing Him, that personal initmate relationship!

Now don’t get me wrong, I am not putting into question anyone’s salvation experience! However, I believe there are a lot of people who met Jesus at the altar, ask Him to forgive them and He has become their savoir! But for a better lack of words, that is where it stops. Christ has become more of an acquaintance to them than anything. They attend church on Sunday, the might even pray or read their Bibles every once in a while but they lack the intimacy of knowing God. When this happens people miss out on something very special, HIM! It is because we were created for an intimate relationship with Him! I hope that it this encourages you to experience Him in a real, intimate and personal way.

After say all that, what is the next thing that comes to mind? Well the answer is: “How do you learn to experience and to know God?” You will have to wait to find out in my next blog! I will share with you how to experience God in a deeper and intimate way later! After all it is how we stay “In His Grip”!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Understanding My Fathers Love

I love it when I have one of those moments that God speaks to me in a wonderful way, don't you? I had one of those “God Moments” this morning. I was spending time in His word when Caitlyn, my two year old, started crying in her bed. I went in to check on her to make sure she was ok. I calmed her down, got her back into bed, kissed her and left her room. About ten minutes later I heard the pitter patter of her little feet walking down the hallway. I looked over and saw her heading straight for me with her cup in one hand and Max, her stuffed dog, in the other. She was grinning from ear to ear and then I heard one of the sweetest sounds: “Hey Da”! Walking over to her she said: “take nap on couch.” Grinning I responded: “No sweetpea, its nite nite time.” I took her by her little hand and led her back to her room as she graciously replied: “OK”. As she climbed back into her little bed she said: “Da sing Barney!” I laughed and started singing to her as she looked up at me smiling. It was such a sweet sight to see my little girl’s big brown eyes looking up at me. After singing Barney and Jesus Loves Me, she patted her pillow and said: “Sleep”. She wanted me lay next to her. So I laid my head on her pillow and she moved closer to me as to say, I feel safe now that you are here daddy. And with that, my sweet lil Caitlyn Grace fell asleep.

As I walked out her room, I looked back at her with her lil hands folded under her chin and I thought to myself… “I sure do love that sweet lil girl!” It was at that moment that I felt God saying to me: “Jacob that is the way I love you! I love it when you come to me knowing that you are safe when you are with me. Everything you just felt is how I feel about you, except I love you more than you love that little girl.” I was and still am in awe of the love that the Father has for me! I believe that He wanted me to get a glimpse of how much He loves it when I spend time with Him! All I could say was “Thank you Lord for showing me a glimpse of your heart and loving me.” This morning I really felt like I was completely “In His Grip!” He is an amazing Father and His love is so indescribable!

How has the Lord spoken to lately? I would love to hear your stories!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Loving God, Loving People, Serving Both

A couple of weeks ago I was thinking about vision statements and how they are suppose to reflect the ideas and goals of an organization. The vision statement is declaring to everyone their intended purpose. Businesses have them, churches have them, and even people can have a vision statement for their lives. They are not always called vision statements, some might call them the reason they exist or their purpose in life. None the less, vision statements or purpose statements are everywhere. The reason why I was thinking about vision statements is because I have been praying about several ministry opportunities. As I was thinking about ministry in general I began thinking, “What would l like to see as a vision for a ministry?” That led to the next question, “What are some the most important things in a ministry?” Two passages of scripture have come to mind that deal with these questions and vision.

First is Matthew 22:36-40: “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?” Jesus said, 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it; Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and Prophets hang on these two commandments.’ (NKJV)

And Matthew 20:28: “That is what the Son of Man has done: He came to serve, not be served.” (The Message)

Both of the passages of scripture are well known to many people. However, how often are they overlooked? I know that I have overlooked both these passages! If you take a look closer to Matthew 22:36-40 you see Jesus saying that all the Law and Prophets hand on these two commandments! It is about loving God with everything and loving people the way God loves them! These commands to love God and people are very special in the eyes of God and people! It is about relationships. It is about developing a relationship with God and with people! God love us and want so badly to have a real relationship with us! When we begin to have a personal relationship with God our love for Him grows deeper! However, it will only get as deep as the amount of time you spend with Him!

As we grow in a relationship with God, our relationships with people will increase. We will start love people more and more! We will start to love them for whom they are, and they are God children. Our relationships will become stronger and more meaningful.

Out of loving God and loving people, comes our serving of both! The way we serve God is to obey His commands! Not of out fear or obligation but out of love. When you greatly love someone, you will want to serve them. It is the same way with God. When we realize what He is doing in our lives, we want to serve Him more. One of the ways we serve God is by serving people which come out of our love for both of them! It is about helping others out of our love from them! It is about meeting needs, sharing in their burdens, and just loving on them. It is about making them feel important because they are important! If loving andserving people was important to Jesus, then it should be important to us!

These two verses can be summed up with this vision statement: Loving God, Loving People, Serving Both! I felt the Lord telling me that this vision is not only my life but for the ministry that He has for me!

Last weekend Smead Community Baptist Church voted on me to serve as their pastor. I am very gracious and humble that they wanted me to be their pastor. It is a huge responsibiity! So all week I have been praying about how the Lord wants me to lead them and I was reminded of the vision that the Lord laid on my heart. So Sunday night I shared this vision with the church! I shared with them that I would love to watch them become a church and a people who are Loving God, Loving People, Serving Both! I want them to fall in love with Jesus Christ, to love people and to serve them both the best they can using the gifts and talents that God the Father have given them! To reach out to the community and share the love of God with the people around them! I believe, by God’s grace and power and through the Holy Spirit, our little church will do some amazing things for the glory of God! Our vision is Loving God, Loving People, Serving Both

So what about you? What is your vision for your life and/or for your ministry? I would love to hear your thoughts on the subject of Vision! Remember Proverbs 29:18 says: "Where there is no vision, the people perish."

May you continue to be “In His Grip!”

Monday, June 14, 2010

When You Think All Hope is Gone!

Are you down and out? Discouraged? Need the Impossible to be possible? Today I read in my devotional that God is the God of Impossibilities. In Jeremiah 32:27 Lord said: “I am the Lord, the God of every person on the earth. Nothing is impossible for me.” In John chapter five there is a perfect example of God doing something that man would think is impossible. There is man had been lame for 38 years. He cannot walk and as child he never ran or jumped around like the other children. He never has been able to get into the waters that could heal him. He sounds very discourage in verse 7. "I can't, sir," the sick man said, "for I have no one to put me into the pool when the water bubbles up. Someone else always gets there ahead of me." (NLT) He has lost hope! He is down and out. He just lays there day in and day out thinking, “Look at the line of those trying to get into the water, it is so long, everyone is going to get in before I do.” Can you imagine the despair that this man has had in his life? Then Jesus comes along and does the impossible! He heals the man right there! Jesus gave him hope! Jesus told him to stand up and walk! When Jesus spoke those words, the man was healed. Jesus doesn’t want us to be discouraged or live a life of hopelessness. I know too many people today live in this state. They look at their circumstance and see no hope of getting out. However, they are not looking in the right place. The right place is in Jesus Christ! Hebrews 12:2 says, “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith.” (NIV) Our focus needs to be on Jesus Christ. It is in Him that we find hope during the hopeless times! He is the one who encourages those who are discouraged! He is the one who makes the impossible possible! In Matthew 19:26 “Jesus looked at them and said, ‘For people this is impossible, but for God all things are possible.’” (NCV) Just remember hard times will come and go, but Jesus is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. He is the one who can and will bring stability in your life. When you come to those down and out times, times when you don’t see hope, when you think things are impossible, run to Jesus! Lay everything at His feet (1Peter 5:7) and let Him take care of you! When you are In His Grip, He is in control!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Church's Birthday Gift: The Holy Spirit

Every year people have a special day in our lives that we celebrate. Some people embrace these special days while other disowns them! Yes I am talking about birthdays! This past Sunday, we celebrated a very special birthday! This past Sunday, we celebrated the Church’s birthday. Sunday is known as Pentecost Sunday, which is the formation of the church. Not a lot of people know or understand what Pentecost Sunday really is, and to be quite honest I did not know or understand the importance of Pentecost Sunday.

According to Warren Wiersbe, there are three major annual feasts in the Jewish custom that are outlined in Lev. 23. They are the Passover feast, the Feast of First-fruits and Pentecost feast as known as the Feast of Weeks. Wiersbe states that these three feasts outline the works of Jesus Christ. When I read this was amazed to see how they correlated to one another! The following are the feasts and how they relate to the work of Jesus Christ!

1. Passover: This pictures the death of the Lamb of God. 1 Cor. 5:7 “Get rid of the old “yeast” by removing this wicked person from among you. Then you will be like a fresh batch of dough made without yeast. Which is what you really are. Christ, our Passover Lamb, has been sacrificed for us.”
2. The Feast of First-Fruits: Was when they brought an offer of their first fruits from their harvest, which pictures His Resurrection from the dead. 1 Cor. 15:20 “But in fact, Christ has been raised from the dead. He is the first of a great harvest of all who have died.”
3. Pentecost Feast was held fifty days after Passover. And it pictures the formation of the church. This was when they celebrated the giving of the Law. Today, Christians celebrate this as the giving of the Holy Spirit. Remember Jesus Christ came to fulfill the Law!

So what we have here is the giving of the Holy Spirit fifty days after the resurrection of Jesus Christ! This was the birth of the modern day church. When the Lord Jesus gave the Holy Spirit to His church, it would forever change God’s people!

It is interesting that the Church was not formed until after the Jesus Christ gave the gift of the Holy Spirit. We find Jesus giving this gift in Acts 2.

Before we take a look this gift, I must state something that is very important. The Holy Spirit is a part of the God Head. He is just as much God as God the Father and Jesus Christ.

So let us look at the Holy Spirit and see what He brings to the Church.

The giving of the Holy Spirit is what gives the church power. However, before we look at the Holy Spirits Ministries, I want to look at the promise of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus Christ promised the Holy Spirit and also shared what the purpose of the Holy Spirit. Luke 24:49 says “And now I will send the Holy Spirit, just as my Father promised. But stay in the city until the Holy Spirit comes and fills you with power from Heaven.” And again in Acts 1:8: “But you will receive power from the Holy Spirit Come upon you.”

The reason why Jesus promised us the Holy Spirit is because we are not able to do things on our own. He had to give us His power.

There is a story in Zechariah chapter four about a man named Zerubbabel. He was responsible for rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem. However, The Lord said to Zechariah verse 6, “This is what the Lord says to Zerubbabel: It is not by force, nor by strength, but by my Spirit, says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies.” (NLT) This shows that it is by the Spirits that things get accomplished.

The only thing that is accomplished that has lasting value is when it comes from the power of the Holy Spirit. For over 2000 years, the church has lasted due to the fact of the Holy Spirit living within the believer.

This is the promise and the reason why the Lord sent his children the Holy Spirit.
Over the next 4 weeks, we will look at the Ministry of the Holy Spirit, which is to give God’s children the power to accomplish the will of the Father which was started in the ministry of Jesus Christ which is “To seek and to save that which is lost.” Luke 19:10T

The four ways that the Holy Spirit gives us power and changes our lives are:
1. Power of the supernatural
2. Power to proclaim the Word of God
3. Power to convict: the believer and the non-believer
4. Power to live the changed life!

I hope that you come to have a better understanding of the Holy Spirit and how He can change your life once you are “In His Grip.”

To Listen to this message: The Church's Birthday Gift.

Monday, May 24, 2010

A Changed Heart!

Romans 12:17-21 says; “Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all. If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all. Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” To the contrary, “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.” Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” This is a powerful passage that some people have a hard time living out. However, on Sunday morning I had the opportunity to watch someone live out this passage of scripture!

Sunday morning I was making the announcements before the worship service started when an elderly man, who I will call John, spoke up and asked if he could ask a question. My mind raced with what this gentleman wanted to ask. I had just announced that there would be a business meeting that night and that there would be another business meeting in two weeks. I figured he would ask something related to church business, in which I would have to inform him that unless it was an urgent need, it would need to wait till that night’s business meeting.

However, to my great surprise, John wanted to know how he could help someone. Here is what he said: “What do you for someone who you have known a long time and I haven’t had much use for them, I thought he was worthless and then they come down with something like cancer? What can I do for him? I feel sorry for him.” After a few minutes of him sharing more about the situation, he told the church that the man is his ex-son-n-law. Here is a man who probably for years would consider his ex-son-n-law as an enemy. It was obvious that John did not care for him at all! John could have done nothing to reach out to his ex son-n-law, but he wanted to reach out to him.

So what allowed John to want to reach out to his ex-son-n-law? The answer is quite simple really. The answer is a changed life in Jesus Christ. If I am not mistaken, John decided to follow Jesus Christ just a few years ago. John allowed Jesus Christ to work in his heart and his attitude towards his ex-son-n-law was change. He did wanted to do what is honorable in the sight of all, but more importantly he wanted to do what was right in the sight of God! He wanted to help; he wanted to reach out with the love of Jesus Christ! This is ministry in the purest form! John was showing compassion when normally compassion might not have been granted. Ephesians 4:30 & 31 says, “Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior. Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.” When a heart is changed, then the behavior changes and we see that in John! Praise the name of Jesus!

When we allow ourselves to be “In His Grip” our lives are change radically! I admire John’s willingness to be used by Jesus Christ. John did not say if his ex-son-n-law is a believer in Christ, if he isn’t, then I hope this will open up the door for the sharing of Jesus Christ. I pray more of us become more like John by allowing our hearts to be In His Grip! To sum it all up, “Now that is being “In His Grip!”

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My Life Changing Trip to India!

On June 8, 2009 I left on an overseas trip that would forever change my life. I had the opportunity to go on an evangelist crusade to Hindupur, India for ten days with my pastor at that time, Jeremy Horton. It has almost been a year since this trip, however, I often think back at all the awesome things God did while I was there. Oh my heart longs to go back someday and I pray that the Lord opens another opportunity to minister there again. So I just thought I would share some of the details of the trip along with some videos and pictures from the trip. I pray that you are blessed and your heart is touched by the power of Jesus Christ.

The following is from my post on a family blog:

The trip was completely amazing to say the least! When I returned home and people asked me how was the trip, all I could say was that it was life changing. I watched Jesus not only change the hearts and lives of the Indian people, but in reflection I see how my own heart was changed. My life was changed in ways that I would have never expected or imagined. I would have to write a book to tell everything that happened, so I will keep this as short as possible with some highlights that mean a lot to me!

The Lord moved in ways that really showed His power but most of all His love! I saw people who where broken in every way imaginable. They were broken emotionally, physically, and spiritually! Their only hope was in Christ Jesus. As we preached and prayed, people would come out of nowhere and call upon the name of Jesus either for salvation or healing! What an amazing site to see!

One night as I was preaching under a light pole, I had no idea that there where people out on the edges in the dark. They were standing behind a building and sitting in “yard” next to where this meeting was being held. See this “church” had no building, but the people met anyway. They sat out in the dark on the ground for roughly 2 hours before we even arrived and worshiped Christ. Then after another 45 minutes of preaching there was an alter call and I was completely humbled. Twelve of those people who where out on the edges, standing behind buildings and in the “yards” came forward and received Christ! Wanda nomalue! That is Praise God in Telegu, which is one of the only phrases I was able to say haha! I have seen the power of God move people before at revivals and at youth camp, but this was different! It was different in that fact that most of these people had never heard the name of Jesus before, and they came down and gave their lives to Him! They stopped believing in the 3000+ gods, yes you heard me right 3000+ gods, and started believing that Jesus is the Son of the Living God! They began to forsake all they had believed. These gods could not fill the void in their hearts, you know, that void that so many people try to fill with everything under the sun. OK… I am starting to Preach Christ! I will save that for another day!

Another thing that the Lord did was He showed me how He hears and answers prayer. It is amazing how He answers them sometimes. I think He does so for many reasons. Sometimes it is just to say I hear you and I love you. Here is a story that happened to Jeremy on our first night in India: These are Jeremy’s own words. “…the first night I experienced the power of God like I have never seen before. When a mother brought me her 10 year old son, I prayed for his need. After I prayed for him, he spoke in his Indian language (Telegu) to Bro. Israel (our Indian pastoral supervisor / translator), and Bro. Israel looked at me and said, ‘Bro. Jeremy, this young man is amazed that you can speak Telegu language. He is telling me that he heard your entire prayer in Telegu.’” However, there is something behind that story that I didn’t share with Jeremy till after that happened. See, before the trip I was thinking about all that might happen while we were in India. I have heard of God doing things on mission trips and I thought how cool it would be if something awesome happened on our trip. I specifically remember thinking, “It would be cool if something like out of Acts chapter 2 would happen, if one of us prayed and they heard us in their language!” Well I believe that God allowed that to happen to say to me, “Jacob, here you go, just because I love you.”

Then there was the night that God literally held back the rains! It was at the outdoor Gospel meeting at Kenwood Baptist church and the worship service had already begun. Jeremy and I were in the church sitting behind the pulpit in prayer and going over what we wanted to say. I looked out the front doors to see the tent swaying and it was getting very dark. As I looked out the window and saw the black clouds rolling in, I knew there was a storm coming. Well… Jeremy and I started praying that it would not rain. We began to pray James 5:16b-17; “The effective, fervent prayer of the righteous man avails much. Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain; and it did not rain on the land for three years and six months.” As we were sitting there, a boy named Joseph heard us praying and walked up to us and said, “Jesus is going to hold back the rain.” Now let me tell you something… this was not him asking if Jesus was, or just saying it in passing… He said it with belief and within minutes the wind died down and there was peace. It did not rain at all during the meeting, but it started raining about an hour after everything was over! Can you say, “Answered prayer?” I can! I believe it was because of Joseph’s faith in Christ that God answered that prayer! I learned a lot from that 13 year old boy! Praise the Lord!

The Lord blessed Jeremy and I by allowing us to both dedicate and name three children during one of the services. Jeremy was approach first to dedicate and name a six month old boy in which he name Samuel. Then I had the honor of naming an 8 month old girl. I could not believe it! The first name that came to my mind was Sarah! I was like Jeremy and did not know what to name her, and he suggested Mary, but Sarah stuck in my mind. No sooner than you could turn around, Bro. Israel came back and said Sarah had a 3 year old sister that was without a name and wanted us to name her too. So Jeremy and I looked at each other and we both knew immediately that her name would be Mary. It was such an honor and blessing to take part of something as special as dedicating and naming a child!

Sarah the baby in pink and Mary is the one in red

The last thing I would like to share is about the children at the orphanage. I think God moved in my life the most through these precious children of God! Don’t get me wrong, I praise God for the 35 people who received Christ as their Savior and for the pastors that we ministered to and encouraged (even though I think I was more encouraged by them than they were by me). However, there was something very special about these children. I saw the true servant’s heart in each one of them. For example, one day we just spent the day with the kids playing games and such. We were out in the field getting hot and sweaty and all of a sudden a couple of kids ran and got us our chairs and made us sit down and rest. Then they brought us water to drink and umbrellas to block the sun. The kids insisted that they hold the umbrellas for us. It was things like this that really touched my heart. They were doing it out of Love for us! Now that is true love! Jeremy and I both wished we could have brought every single one of them home with us. We cried like big babies the last day we were there.

I could go on and on about the many things that happened in India, however it would take forever to type. All I know is that our Lord Jesus is great and showed His power and love in ways that only He can! He is completely amazing! I hope that the Lord blesses you greatly and abundantly!

In His Grip,

Below are the videos, enjoy!

This video is some live footage from India

This video is of the children in the orphanage and of the services in the different churches.

This sits on my desk at work. It is a piece of the foundation from the Kenwood Baptist Church in Hindupur, India.

Monday, May 17, 2010

In the up coming blogs!

In the furture, I will have more to say in writing than I have the past few post. That way you don't have to just listen to get the messages. I hope that you have been blessed by the Lord Jesus Christ!

All Dressed Up and Somewhere to Go Pt. 2

The Second part of the All Dressed Up and Somewhere to Go sermon. Paul finishes up by stating what holds everything together and that is Love! Then he goes from character to our conduct. Now we see how our character has changed once we allow Christ to change our lives, it is time to change our conduct. When our character changes, we must allow ourselves to be used by the Lord Jesus Christ to reach out to a lost and dying world.

To Listen: All Dressed Up Pt2.

WM - The Grocery and Clothing Department - Walmart

The last part of the four part series on realizing that Jesus is the one who provides all of our needs. In this message, the realization that Jesus is the one who give us food and He is the one that clothes us. But then it goes deeper than that. When we seek Him with everything we have, that is when Jesus reaches out and does something amazing in our lives, He reaches down and meets all each and all of our needs by His Glorious Riches!

To Listen: The Grocery and Clothing Department

Monday, May 10, 2010

WM - The Pharmacy

Part three in the series Wal Mart isn’t the Only One Stop Shop: The Pharmacy. Sunday was Mother’s day and I began to think how I was going to relate this series to mothers. Then I realized that most moms spend a lot of time at Wal Mart! With children getting sick or when they scrap their knees, one of the places that mothers go to is the Wal Mart's pharmacy. After going to the doctor’s office, moms go get their prescription filled at the pharmacy. There is a story found in Matt 15 about a mother seeking healing for her daughter who is demon possessed. This mother went to Jesus Christ! She knew WHO Jesus was, that He the Great Physician. Second she was relentless in seeking her daughters healing. Thirdly, she had great faith. Everyone knows someone who is physically, emotion, or mentally sick. We must realize who we should go to first! We must go to Jesus Christ! Jesus is still in the healing business!

To listen to this message: The Pharmacy

Monday, May 3, 2010

WM - The Automotive Department

Wal Mart Isn’t the Only One Stop Shop: The Automotive Department
It seems like everyone travels from one point to another at some point in their life. And when you prepare for a trip there are certain things you must to do in order to get your car or truck ready for the journey. There are some people like do their own maintenance on their cars. So they will buy their oil and oil filters so that they can change the oil in their cars. They need to change the wiper blades so they will run down to Wal Mart to buy these things. Recently my family and I went to New York on vacation. One of the things we bought beside the things above was a GPS so that we would not get lost. If you don’t have the right directions, you never get where you are going. How are you getting from one place to another in life? Who is guiding your life? You? A family member? Or God? God is the ultimate GPS. His Word says in Jer. 29:11; “For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (NIV) When we let God guide in our lives, we can’t go wrong. Proverb 3:6 says: “In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.” (NKJV) Notice it says acknowledge Him! That means you recognize Him for WHO He is! He is God! He is the creator. He has laid out a plan for your life that beats anything that you can come up with! His plans are perfect. However, we have a choice to make! We can either find satisfaction in following God’s plan for our lives, or we can live a life of destruction due to disobedience to God. I have talked to countless people over the years that never ask God what He wants them to do, then ask themselves, “How did I get here?” Well I can tell you how they got there! They didn’t ask God! They didn’t seek Him or His plan for their lives! How do you know where to go to College? Ask God! How do you know who you are supposed to marry? Ask God! Where are you going to live? Ask God! What is your purpose in life? Ask God? Get the point? I hope so! Just as you go to the Automotive Department to get the things you need for a trip, you need to go to God and ask Him what He wants you to do in life. Stop making wrong turns based on your desires! Start looking for the plan for your life that will give you a hope and a future!

To Listen to this message: The Automotive Department

Sunday evening service was on how we should live our lives! The way we act reflects who we are in Christ Jesus!

To Listen to Sunday nights message: All Dressed Up and Somewhere to Go!

Monday, April 26, 2010

WM - The Cleaning Aisle

Last Tuesday I had to make a Wal-Mart run to pick up a few things for Holly. As I was walking in, I stopped and watched people going in and out of the store. As I watched them I realized the reason why I was there was probably the same reason why everyone else was at Wal-Mart, they were there out of necessity. We all were at Wal-Mart because we all needed something. Then I felt God saying to me, “What if these people came to church like they come to Wal-Mart, out of a need?” Then the church would be full of people.

Well the Lord didn’t stop there. As I walked around Wal-Mart getting the things on my list, I realized how you can buy just about anything from Wal-Mart. It is a one stop shop! People go to Wal-Mart to get groceries, things for the car, medicine, and clothes. Then he showed me that Wal-Mart isn’t the only one stop shop. In reality, the only true ONE STOP SHOP is Jesus Christ Himself. The verse that came to my mind is found in Philippians 4:19. Paul writes to the Philippians saying: “And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” In the Greek, the original language, all means ALL, nothing lacking. Just as we go to Wal-Mart, we can go to Christ to meet our needs.

This inspired the new series that I started preaching on Sunday. “Wal-Mart isn’t the Only One Stop Shop!” As I looked around, I saw all the departments in Wal-Mart. I saw how we can relate going to Wal-Mart to Jesus Christ in meeting our needs. So over the next several weeks I will be going to different departments of Wal-Mart and showing how Christ can meet our needs even more than Wal-Mart can!

The first message in the series was: “Wal-Mart isn’t the Only One Stop: Hitting the Cleaning Aisle!” If you are anything like me, you are really good at making messes! I know I am. Holly and I have done our fair share of remodeling houses in the past three years. We have painted, laid hardwood flooring, built a deck, tore a hot tub out of a gazebo and have added crown molding to our house. Every time we begin a job to our house there is usually a big mess that has to be cleaned up. There was sawdust, paint on places that didn’t need to be painted, and trash that needed to be thrown out. The sense of accomplishment that one has when the project is finished is overshadowed by the task of cleaning up the mess that was created! After tons of trash bags, Windex, and a few Magic Erasers along with some elbow grease, we got everything cleaned up.

You know, life is a lot like the messes we make around our homes. We seem to make a mess out of our lives. We do things in our lives that cause problems for us and our lives become a big mess. The big mess is a result of our sins. There are so many things that are ruining our lives. Drugs, alcohol, and sex outside of marriage are just a few. Sometimes we get so bogged down in our sins that we see no hope and we give up. We try so many times to clean up our lives to no avail, and when you seem to get nowhere with cleaning up your life, your life becomes miserable. Isaiah 64:4 says: “But we are all like an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are like filthy rags.” The sins we commit leave deep stains in our lives. The longer the filth, grime and dirt are on the rag, the deeper the stain gets. Sin is the same way, the more we keep on sinning the deeper the stain gets and the mess gets bigger which pulls us from God the Father. Truth be known, there is nothing we can do to clean up the sin in our lives.

However, there is some AWESOME and GREAT news! 1 John 1:9 says, “But if we confess our sins to Him, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness.” (NLT). WOW! How awesome is that! Jesus wants to cleanse our lives! Notice that John says when we go before Jesus and confess our sins to Him, that He is faithful to forgive us and to cleanse us. That doesn’t mean that He is willing to forgive us when He feels like it or not. You can count on it! He is going to cleanse you when you humble yourself before Him, tell Him what you have done wrong, and ask Him to forgive you. His cleansing is so deep and thorough that it does not leave a stain. Jesus did more work than anyone else in order to cleanse us of our sin, He went to the cross. There are no more stains and the lost hope that you once had has been restored. All the sins you have committed are gone! You have a peace and a new life in Him! See Jesus is the ultimate Magic Eraser! There is no sin or stain that He cannot clean up! Jesus Christ is in the cleansing business. He is willing and waiting to cleanse our lives of the nasty, grime, and the filth in our lives!

Every time I will walk down the cleaning aisle at Wal-Mart, I will be reminded how Jesus cleansed me of all my sins and wants to cleanse people of the sin in their lives. I thought of a commercial that someone should produce: “You want an ultimate cleaner? You have sin and stains that you can’t seem to get out yourself? Come to Jesus, He’s more powerful and mightier than Mr. Clean himself! Nothing can clean like the cleansing power of Jesus Christ!”

Listen to this sermon click here: The Cleaning Aisle