Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Not too long ago I was asked what books that I am reading or have read lately. Well here is a list of some the books I have read in 2010.

Fearless and 3:16 by Max Lucado
Simple Church by Thom Rainer
Holy Discontent by Bill Hybels
Walking with God by John Eldridge
Have a New Kid By Friday by Kevin Leman
The Richest Person in the World by Stan Toler
Prophet by Frank Peretti
Crazy Love by Francis Chan
Lost Symbols by Dan Brown
The Christian Atheist by Craig Groescell

And I have few books on my list that I would like to read before end of the year:
Plan B by Pete Wilson
Transformational Church Ed Stetzer
AND by Hugh Halter and Matt Smay
Outlive Your Life by Max Lucado (I won this book from Micheal Hyatt)
Sun Stands Still by Steven Furtick

Anyways, just thought I would share!
What are you reading?

Monday, September 20, 2010

Religion vs. Relationship?

For the past couple of weeks, my heart has been very heavy on a certain issue that deals with the church. Over the past few months, I have talked to several people who once attended church but are no longer attending. Each one had their own reasons as to why they have left the church and have not returned. They told me their stories and I listen to them. As we talked about church, I noticed a common theme that ran through our conversations. I noticed they seemed to be focused on rules and regulation. Or what I would like to call "religion". The reason for this is; religion is made up of legalistic rules and regulations, the do’s and don’ts.

One guy I talked to said he had gone to several different types of church. And with each church came with different lists of do’s and don’ts. He was told that if he was to come to church (but in his mind, this meant being Christian) you had to worship a certain way, act a certain way and do certain things. He would attend another church and they would tell him something completely different and that their beliefs where the only one that were correct, that the other where wrong! He was so confused about what it really meant to be a Christ follower! My heart was burden greatly for his young man.

Then there was this older man who asked me if he could wear bibbed overalls to our church. I told him with a resounding YES, He could them to church! He told me that when he had attended church before, people were focused on his dress instead of him. And that is completely wrong! I am not saying that you can wear whatever you want to wear. I do think there needs to be standard that should be kept in church.

However, the big question that needs to be asked is this: “Are we, the church, causing people to focus more on religion than we are a relationship with Jesus Christ?” I would have to say yes! What I am talking about is the difference between religion vs. relationship. Religion puts the focus on the do’s and don’ts. Think about the religious leaders of Jesus' day. They told Him that He could not pick grain on the Sabbath (Luke 6:1-11). Religion? Yes! They also told Him that He could heal people on the Sabbath (Mark 3:1-6). Religion? Again yes. They said it was wrong to eat with tax collector and sinner because they where not clean to eat with (Matt 9:11-13). Religion? Absolutely. Then we have the men in Acts 15 who said that in order to become a believer you must be circumcised. Religion? I believe so. I remember a time in my life when I was just like those religious leaders. I was focused on the rules. I was twenty one when I became a follower of Christ. Once I talked my younger brother, who was seventeen at the time, into going to church with me. I got ready for church and went into to check on him and he was wearing shorts and tennis shoes. What did I do? I told him that he couldn’t wear shorts and those dirty shoes to church! Was I holding to rules? Yes! Was I being religious? You bet I was! And I believe that if James, the brother of Jesus would have been there that day, he would have told me the same thing that he said in Acts 15:19: “And so my judgment is that we should not make it difficult for the Gentiles who are turning to God.”

As a church need to stop focusing on religion and start to focusing on bring people into a relationship with Jesus Christ! The only way religion changes people is that pushes people away from the grace that is found in relationship with Jesus Christ. And Jesus Christ was all about relationships. The church needs to stop trying to change people through religion and allow Jesus Christ to change them through a personal relationship. I believe the only winner in this is Relationship!

So if you are leader within the church, where is your focus? Religion vs. Relationship?

Monday, September 13, 2010

My Everything!

Earlier today I was listening to some praise & worship at work when the song “You Never Cease to Amaze” by New Life Church Worship started playing. This song really spoke to me this morning! The part of the song that stood out to me the most was: “Cause Jesus you are my everything; Jesus you are all I need…” As I sat listening to those words over and over again, I was reminded that Jesus truly is my everything; He truly is all I need.

When I need strength… He gives me strength! Philippians 4:13 & 2 Cor. 12:10
When I need rest… He gives me rest! Matthew 11:28
When I need wisdom... He gives me wisdom! James 1:5
When I need forgiveness…He forgives me! 1 John 1:9
When I need mercy & grace… He gives me mercy & grace! Hebrew 4:16
When I guidance…He guides me! John 8:12
When I need hope… He is my hope! 1 Timothy 1:1
When I need peace… He gives me peace! Roman 5:1 & Ephesians 2:14
When I need a Savior… He is my Savior! John 3:16

And the list could go on because He is so much more! Jesus Christ is truly my everything, He is truly all that I need. But what about you? Is He your everything? If Jesus Christ is all that I need, then I know He is also all that you need! So ask yourself: “Is He my everything?” If not, let Him be, He can be your evertying and all that you need!
In His Grip,